Mild and decadent, these noodle-like swimmers are one of Iberia’s most traditional and storied foods.
What makes them unique, isn’t their flavor, but their texture, which could be best described as the ‘spaghetti of the sea’. Known as ‘Angulas’ in Spain, they are usually served warm with sautéed garlic and spicy peppers on special occasions like Christmas, New Year’s, or San Sebastián day in Donostia. We recommend recreating that tradition at home alongside fresh bread or giving them a gentle dredge in potato starch and a quick fry in hot oil.
TASTING: mild, al dente, crunchy
PAIRING: garlic bread, moscato, rose
INGREDIENTS: Baby Eels, Olive oil, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, Salt
CAUGHT IN: Donostia, Spain