Hollow Tree Raw Wildflower Honey Utah County


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You can't get honey more local unless you have hives in your own backyard! Out Honey comes from hives along the Wasatch Front. While most "raw" honey is heated at least slightly for bottling convenience, ours never is. We let it flow at a glacial pace into our jars. Honey is a living super food and keeping it totally raw preserves all the flavor, enzymes , and nutrients. You will love the way it tastes!

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You can’t get honey more local unless you have hives in your own backyard! Out Honey comes from hives along the Wasatch Front. While most “raw” honey is heated at least slightly for bottling convenience, ours never is. We let it flow at a glacial pace into our jars. Honey is a living super food and keeping it totally raw preserves all the flavor, enzymes , and nutrients. You will love the way it tastes!

SKU: HTH-22000 Categories: ,