Ritual Juniper Lavender 70%


In stock

  • 70-84% Cacao

  • Certified Vegan

  • Emulsifier Free

  • Heat Sensitive

  • Inclusion Chocolate

  • Made in North America

  • Made in United States

  • May Contain Traces of Gluten

  • May Contain Traces of Nuts

  • Part Organic

  • Recyclable

  • Ritual Chocolate

Conjuring up the aroma of mountain meadows, lavender and juniper are finely ground into Mid Mountain Blend chocolate, whose taste lingers with a floral punch.

The Lavender for this bar is sourced from Lavender Hill Farms in Eden, Utah. Combined with dried juniper berries, this bar is fit for flower fanatics.

TASTING: floral, aromatic, lavender, juniper, pine, citrus
PAIRING: tequila or gin, ales, fortified wines, e.g. sherry or vermouth
CACAO ORIGIN: Unspecified, blend

INGREDIENTS: Cacao, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Dried Juniper Berries, Culinary Lavender
  • 2.12 oz

In stock

  • 70-84% Cacao

  • Certified Vegan

  • Emulsifier Free

  • Heat Sensitive

  • Inclusion Chocolate

  • Made in North America

  • Made in United States

  • May Contain Traces of Gluten

  • May Contain Traces of Nuts

  • Part Organic

  • Recyclable

  • Ritual Chocolate

Conjuring up the aroma of mountain meadows, lavender and juniper are finely ground into Mid Mountain Blend chocolate, whose taste lingers with a floral punch.

The Lavender for this bar is sourced from Lavender Hill Farms in Eden, Utah. Combined with dried juniper berries, this bar is fit for flower fanatics.

TASTING: floral, aromatic, lavender, juniper, pine, citrus
PAIRING: tequila or gin, ales, fortified wines, e.g. sherry or vermouth
CACAO ORIGIN: Unspecified, blend

INGREDIENTS: Cacao, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Dried Juniper Berries, Culinary Lavender

  • 2.12 oz